‘Just’ Natural Trumpet Lecture Presentation - St Andrew's Thornhill Square, London

I gave a lecture presentation about my book, ‘Just’ Natural Trumpet on Saturday 5 October 2024 at St Andrew’s church in Thornhill Square in London. The lecture was part of a natural trumpet weekend course organised by Bill Tuck. I have known Bill for many years, having first met him in 2008, even before I moved to London. Indeed one of my earliest blogs on this website was entitled ‘Tomes
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Natural Trumpet Course 2021 - Bedfordshire

During the first lockdown in 2020, I had the idea of organising a natural trumpet course to take place as soon as the restrictions would allow. By September 2020, the inaugural course had taken place. It had been a great success, and demand for a future course was evident - so I decided to organise another course in 2021 (as soon as restrictions were suitably relaxed) with a new programme of music.Again
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Natural Trumpet Course 2020 - Bedfordshire

During lockdown I had the idea of organising a natural trumpet course, when restrictions would allow, to ‘blow out the cobwebs’ after these many months of isolation. Finally, in September, I was able to invite a hand-picked selection of amateur, semi-professional and professional natural trumpet players to two venues in Bedfordshire where we would play natural trumpets (without finger holes) as
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Natural Trumpet Masterclass - Berkshire Maestros

I devised and presented an early brass workshop for the students of Berkshire Maestros in Reading. The class was entitled 'The Evolution of the Trumpet Ensemble' and it featured trumpet ensemble music (spanning c.400 years) by Thomsen, Bendinelli, Fantini, Monteverdi, C. P. E. Bach, Altenburg, Dauverné and Andrzej Panufnik. I provided nine natural trumpets in D at A=415Hz for the students to play,
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Newcastle University - Natural Trumpet Masterclass

At the invitation of Adrian France, Head of Brass, I gave a natural trumpet masterclass to the brass students of Newcastle University on Wednesday 31st January 2019. The class took place between 14:00 and 16:00 in the spacious Robert Boyle Lecture Theatre in the Armstrong Building, on the main University campus. I was glad to be able to deliver a masterclass to higher education students on the subject
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Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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