Spiritato! - ‘Sound the Trumpet’ - Chichester Assembly Room

I performed the 'Sound the Trumpet' programme with ‘Spiritato’ at the Chichester Assembly Room on Thursday the 16th of February 2017. The evening included works by Purcell, Corbett, Rebel, Fantini, Legrenzi, Albrici, Matheis and Franceschini.
H Purcell: King Arthur
H Purcell: Sonata in Four Parts No.3 in A minor
W Corbett: Suite in D
G F Rebel: Les Caractères de la danse

~ Interval ~

G Fantini: Sonata a due Trombe detta del Gucciardini
G Legrenzi: Sonata a Quarta in D
V Albrici: Sonata a 5
N Matteis: Extracts from Ayres for the Violin
P Franceschini: Suonata a 7 con due Trombe

This programme has proved to be very popular. We have played it around the UK, including in Camden, Stroud Green and Wiltshire. It is a very popular choice of programme for promoters and based on the warm reception it received from the audience at the Assembly Room, it is popular with audiences too.

Thanks to all in Spiritato - and special mention must go to Claudia Norz who was deputising on Violin II. She played brilliantly in this chamber music programme where there is a lot going on!

Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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