Clarke, Blow, Purcell & Handel - A Choral Celebration of Queen Mary II - Royal Hospital Chelsea

I was delighted to rejoin the Brandenburg Baroque Soloists with the Chapel Choir of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Old Royal Naval College Trinity Laban Chapel Choir for a reprise of a programme from a concert given in April 2024 at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. This concert, on Thursday 26 September 2024 was part of the Chelsea History Festival and took place at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. It featured the same choral forces and directors (Will Vann and Ralph Allwood) as the Greenwich performance.


The programme was again a commemoration of the life of Queen Mary II and it featured music by Clarke, Handel, Purcell and Blow. Once again my arrangement of Jeremiah Clarke's Prince of Denmark's March opened the programme, and the trumpets were also involved in Henry Purcell's Birthday Ode for Queen Mary (1694), known as 'Come, ye sons of art’, and also in George Frideric Handel's Utrecht Te Deum (for the peace of Utrecht, 1713).

It was wonderful to perform these works in these two historic venues—each with a military connection and each on the banks of the river Thames. It was wonderful to see many of the Chelsea Pensioners in their famous scarlet coats.


Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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