Handel - Eternal Source of Light Divine - Spiritato

I played first trumpet in Handel’s ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’ as part of a performance entitled ‘Music to her Majestie’ with Spiritato, directed by the lutenist Elizabeth Kenny, at St Giles Cripplegate in London on Sunday 10 September 2023.

The programme featured Purcell’s From Hardy Climes, Eccles’ Inspire us Genius—a modern (and perhaps an overall) premiere—and Handel’s Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne (HWV 74) which begins with ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’. The programme featured music dedicated to, or written for, Queen Anne.

Nicholas Mulroy played the part of ‘Mr. Eilfurt [Elford]’, singing the most famous movement from the Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, ‘Eternal Source of Light Divine’, in the tenor register (Handel’s singer, Elford, was known variously as a tenor or countertenor). I played the trumpet part. Together, we produced a scintillating 'hole in one' in the live performance, which was video recorded for later online broadcast(s).

The vocal ensemble featured Nardus Williams* (soprano), Zoë Brookshaw* (soprano), Charlotte La Thrope (soprano), Ciara Hendrick* (mezzo), Jamie Hall (alto), Nicholas Mulroy* (tenor), Charles Daniels* (tenor), Chris Lombard (tenor), Robert Davies (baritone), and Jimmy Holliday* (bass). There were memorable solos (or duets) from those marked *. Joel Raymond also contributed several lovely oboe obbligatos.


Thanks must go to Will Russell for organising this interesting project, for raising the funds (with thanks to the Continuo Foundation, Angel Early Music, Gemma Classical Music Trust and others), for his edition of Eccles’ Inspire us Genius, and to his team of helpers (front of house, lighting, sound, tech., and video).

Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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