Monteverdi - Orfeo - LSO St. Luke's - I Fagiolini

Sunday 7th July 2019 saw two differing performances (both by I Fagiolini) of Monteverdi's Orfeo in the Jerwood Hall at LSO St. Luke's in London. Music & Theatre for All and I Fagiolini had teamed together to present a 'relaxed performance' at 3pm, which welcomed an audience of all ages. Special provision had been made for those with special educational needs, particularly autism and the performance
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Monteverdi - Orfeo - York Early Music Festival - I Fagiolini

Following on from the most recent Orfeo at the Stour Music Festival, I Fagiolini gave a subsequent performance on Friday 5th July 2019 in the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall at the University of York, on the first day of the National Centre for Early Music's York Early Music Festival 2019. This Orfeo differed from any of I Fagiolini's earlier performances: with the addition of student singers from
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Monteverdi - Orfeo - Stour Festival - I Fagiolini

It was a great pleasure to rejoin Robert Hollingworth's I Fagiolini for a performance of Monteverdi's Orfeo at the Stour Music Festival at All Saints Church near Boughton Aluph (near Ashford in Kent) on Friday 28th June 2019. The 2019 festival marks the departure of Stour Music's artistic director Mark Deller (countertenor). He will be succeeded by Robert Hollingworth who will direct future festivals,
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Monteverdi - Vespers - Stockholm

I performed Monteverdi’s Vespers in the Swedish capital city of Stockholm on Sunday 24th March 2019. Prior to this visit I had spent only a few hours in Sweden (in Malmö, on a day trip over the railway bridge from Denmark) so I took the opportunity to extend my visit over a long weekend that tied in with the cheapest flights. This opportunity had arisen at fairly short notice and my Mum (who lives
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Newcastle University - Natural Trumpet Masterclass

At the invitation of Adrian France, Head of Brass, I gave a natural trumpet masterclass to the brass students of Newcastle University on Wednesday 31st January 2019. The class took place between 14:00 and 16:00 in the spacious Robert Boyle Lecture Theatre in the Armstrong Building, on the main University campus. I was glad to be able to deliver a masterclass to higher education students on the subject
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I Fagiolini - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo - Antwerp

I Fagiolini’s interpretation of L’Orfeo, with Matthew Long in the starring role, began in Venice in November 2015 and has seen subsequent performances in London (May 2017), Purbeck (June 2017) and Cheltenham (July 2017) since then. The most recent performance took place in Antwerp in Belgium. I had been performing at the Utrecht Festival on Friday 24th of August 2018,
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Monteverdi - Vespers - The Torbay Singers

I first encountered The Torbay Singers prior to their performance of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio on Saturday 7th December 2013 at St Matthias’ Church in Torquay. Although I did write occasional blog articles back then, I had a tendency only to do so after long tours and even then I kept only the briefest of notes as an aide-memoire. In July 2013, for example, I wrote just seventy words after making
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I Fagiolini - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo - Cheltenham Festival

Robert Hollingworth led I Fagiolini’s performance of Monteverdi’s 'L’Orfeo' at Cheltenham Town Hall, as part of the Cheltenham Festival, on Sunday 9th July 2017. I performed the opening Toccata, without holes, alongside players from the English Cornett and Sackbutt Ensemble: Tom Lees, Emily White, Andy Harwood-White and Adrian France. In a slight difference to our other performances in Venice,
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I Fagiolini - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo - Purbeck

Following on from previous performances in Venice and London, I Fagiolini performed Monteverdi’s 'L’Orfeo' in the historic market town of Wareham in Dorset on Saturday 3rd June 2017. The performance took place as part of the Purbeck Art Weeks festival at Lady St Mary’s, Wareham. I performed the opening Toccata with players from the English Cornett and Sackbutt Ensemble,
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Vivaldi Dixit Dominus & Bach Magnificat - St Sepulchre-without-Newgate

On Saturday 21st May 2016 I performed with Sinfonia Britannica in the National Musicians’ Church in London, otherwise known as St Sepulchre-without-Newgate on Holborn Viaduct. Soloists: Miriam Allan, Elizabeth Weisberg, Cathy Bell, Greg Tassell and Julian Debreuil Joanna Tomlinson directed the large and enthusiastic voices of the Constanza Chorus through three demanding works: Vivaldi’s ‘Dixit
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Monteverdi Vespers - City Temple, The Esterhazy Singers, London Youth Choir & Little Baroque Co

I played Cornetto with The Little Baroque Company, performing Monteverdi's Vespers in London's 'City Temple' (Holborn Viaduct) on Monday 25th April 2016. Esther Jones conducted the orchestra and the combined choirs of The Esterhazy Singers and London Youth Choirs. Esther even conducted to another conductor (Greg Hallam) who relayed the tempo to the members of the youth choirs, who were facing away
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Monteverdi - Vespers - St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London

I was involved in a performance of Monteverdi’s Vespers in the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, just off Trafalgar Square in London. The performance took place at 8pm on Saturday 30th January 2016 and it was given by the choir of Royal Holloway, University of London - directed by Rupert Gough. The orchestra was provided by Bob Porter and was called the ‘Brandenburg Baroque Soloists’. It consisted
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I Fagiolini - Monteverdi - L'Orfeo - Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice

“I exhibite in this my Journall to your Princelie view, that most glorious, renowned, Virgin Citie of Venice, the Queene of the Christian world, that Diamond set in the ring of the Adriatique gulfe, and the most resplendent mirrour of Europe…” - Thomas Coryate, c.1608 There are few places in the world that are as instantly recognisable. Venice is a paradise for the eyes and for the ears.
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Orfeo in Nancy

The first trip of this year was to Nancy in France, to perform in the Opera National du Lorrain. What a great way to get over the so-called 'January blues'! Opera National du Lorrain The group, 'Les Talens Lyriques' (led by Christophe Rousset) were great, both musically and organisationally. I was looked after very well, and they had provided accommodation a short walk from the opera house and
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Oxford University Bate Collection Lecture for Taverner Consort

The "Un-Natural Trumpet" : 7th April 2013 With the launch of their new recording of Monteverdi's L'Orfeo and to celebrate the Taverner Consort's 40th Anniversary, Andrew Parrott organised a day of lectures at the Oxford University Faculty of Music and Bate Collection of Musical Instruments. Andrew asked me to give a lecture about the Natural Trumpet. The lecture was held on the 7th April
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Russell Gilmour
Russell Gilmour Blog
writing on music, photography, engraving, travel and life as a freelance professional musician.

Russell Gilmour's innovative new book, 'Just' Natural Trumpet, is now available: please click here for more information.
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